viking marathon results

Your 3 Crucial weekly training sessions and how they’ll help you succeed

Waterford Viking Marathon has teamed up with the Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Science in the Waterford Institute of Technology to provide expert training information in the run up to this year’s event. This week we’ll have a look at 3 types of fundamental training sessions and the reason why they are crucial for success.

1. The Long Run

The Long Run is the staple part of any endurance race training plan. Whether you are signed up for the quarter, half or full marathon you will need to gradually build up your capacity to run greater distances - this is achieved through the long run. A few reasons the long run is so important to your success are:

  • It will help develop your aerobic threshold. This is the training intensity you can sustain for a prolonged period of time without excessive fatigue – think of it as your marathon race pace.
  • It will improve your body’s ability to use fat as an energy source. During your long runs, you will gradually deplete your carbohydrate (glycogen) stores and rely more on fat for fuel. Your body will adapt by becoming more efficient at burning fat to fuel your running, which should improve endurance performance.
  • Depleting your glycogen stores causes your body to increase its ability to store glycogen in the future. This adaptation is crucial for many aspects of endurance performance. A good example is if you to finish fast; you’ll need the glycogen reserve to fuel this effort.

It's Over its' Oh-Oh-Ver!!

With Roy Orbison ringing in my head, yes indeed the Waterford Viking Marathon 2015 is OVER!! And so this is my final sign-off on what has been a wonderful six months of blogging and training.

Did you run? Were you one of the 2,300 who did either the quarter, half or full. If you were - WELL DONE. If you one of the volunteer stewards, musicians, pacers or supporters who came out - THANK-YOU. And a huge thank-you to everyone behind the scenes at the WVM Committee, at WLRfm and especially to the main organiser Roisin Ferris who has worked so hard on this since its inception. Your hard work really paid off guys, I hope you are all very proud.

There was a great buzz on Saturday morning down on The Mall, but little sheepish head here didn't want to be a part of it. Let's just say I wasn't feeling the best. I woke up at 6am, as planned, to fuel up on a breakfast of porridge, toast and coffee (not all at once obviously) and continue my fluid intake. It felt like the nerves had well and truly kicked in and I felt my stomach churn with excitement and a nervousness not felt since Santa's visits Christmas Eve back in the eighties.

To cut a long story short and not drone on too much about why I didn't make my target time, I just felt really on edge and quite sick - that horrible queasy dry-retching in a port-a-loo that doesn't instil confidence five minutes before a race.

The Vikings are coming, Run for your lives

Saturday June 27th 2015 has been confirmed as the date for the fourth annual WLRfm Waterford Viking Marathon. The event was launched this week with the announcement that RNLI Lifeboats will be the nominated charity to benefit from next year’s event. Running is known as playing a positive role in managing mental health and with this association in mind Waterford Viking Marathon is particularly pleased to support RNLI Lifeboats.

viking 2015

The 2014 Marathon Officially Launched

On Saturday 28th June 2014 the streets of Waterford will once again fill with runners and joggers from far and wide as the city plays host to the 3rd annual 'WLRfm Waterford Viking Marathon'.

The 2014 marathon was officially launched on Friday last by, well-known Waterford athlete, Kelly Proper and last year's Marathon winner Gary O' Hanlon.

Speaking at the launch in the Bishops Palace Des Whelan, WLRfm's Managing Director and Chairman of Waterford Viking Marathon, said "Following two successful annual events, WLRfm's Waterford Viking Marathon 2014 is open for registration once again. 2014 will be very special as Waterford celebrates 1,100 years and following in the steps of our Viking ancestors the marathon route will take in the historical Viking Triangle and travel through the ancient city streets before heading out towards Tramore.

"WLRfm are delighted to be involved with this event once again. It's a great opportunity for people to embrace a healthy lifestyle whilst also supporting local and national charities. This year I am happy to say that IMNDA and Aware are our two nominated charities. As title sponsor, WLRfm's involvement will help make it possible to promote this great sporting event to our listening audience in the city & county and we certainly share the vision and aim of the organisers to grow this event into one of the headline Marathon's on the calendar". Des went on to express his heartfelt thanks to all involved and to acknowledge the hardworking committee, sponsors and partners who have supported the event to date.

Race Director Joe Cawley outlined the new improved route which makes the course even flatter and faster than before. A new Quarter marathon event has been introduced for next year, which, in addition to the Full and Half, gives runners of varying levels an opportunity to take part.

Also speaking at the official launch Waterford Mayor Councillor John Cummins said "I am delighted that this event has become an annual date in Waterford`s programme of attractions. . This marathon prides itself on being the South East`s friendly marathon with runners from every walk of life taking part. I would like to thank all involved in organising this great event which helps to promote and showcase the wonderful culture and heritage on offer in our 1,100 year old city." Cheques were awarded to the two nominated charities for 2013, Waterford Hospice and The Alzheimer's Society, Waterford.

Registration is now open for the 2014 Marathon with early bird entry available

For further information and 2014 Route Map go here »

Photography : Noel Browne Photographer. 086 0366904
For further information contact : Roisin Ferris 086 8194952 or Deirdre Houlihan 086 6863571

3 Weeks And Counting

3 weeks and 3 days and 10 hours. That's what the Waterford Viking Marathon website is telling me as I'm plonked on the sofa typing the latest instalment of this blog. Gulp. Jitters. Excitement. How are you feeling?

The self-doubt has all but fizzled away (though I expect it to make a re-appearance sometime soon) and I'm left with a calm confidence and quiet excitement that maybe this will be a good marathon after all, and maybe I'll get the time I'm going for and you know, maybe I'll enjoy it into the bargain.

My new found running Zen is down to a number of factors this week. Firstly, a man named Davy Wade who is a Sports Psychologist and will also be Chief Steward on June 27th. I had the pleasure of Mc-ing the wonderfully timed WVM seminar which hosted by Whitfield Clinic on Thursday last. Thanks to all those who came along, it was great to chat to many first-time marathon runners and great to see so many ladies involved this year too. Girls run the world and all that! Nutritionist Charlotte Cummins had some brilliant tips especially around carb loading (you can expect to gain a few extra pounds with a steady increase of carbs in the days leading up to race day) hydration and fuelling on the day itself. I'm at the point now where 3 Weetabix and toast or porridge and a bagel are my staple food exactly two and half hours before a long run. I'm not straying from this on the morning of the marathon, along with a strong coffee to make sure all waste matter has made its exit!

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Waterford Viking Marathon,
The Broadcast Centre,
Waterford City

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